Development Blog
This is the home of the InfestStation dev blog where we will post development progress, updates, insights, and more as we work to build InfestStation.

See you Space Cowboy
The Space Dust Is A Feature, Not A Bug, OK? Hello world. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Alas, the long silence was not a mark of explosive productivity, instead I come bearing some difficult to deliver news. As of today, development of INFESTSTATION will be put on indefinite hiatus. We poured our hearts and

A Distress Call….Coming From Earth??
Regular danger? No, this is Advanced Danger Look at me, posting an update just under a month after the last dev blog post! No pats on the back for that today though, as this message comes with a bit of a heavy heart and sweaty brow. When I first started these blog posts I promised

Journey On The Waves of Time
A “Bit” Of Space Dust Might Be A Cosmic Understatement… Yikes…and here I thought I let things get musty, dusty, rusty, and quiet in the time between the LAST two updates…Well, it’s been a busy *checks calendar* 15 MONTHS?? Uh, so yeah it’s been a minute since the last post, I suppose. Looking back through

Dev Blog Post #4
A Bit of Space Dust On The Dev Blog… Egad, another long gap between blog posts. Shame fills me for much has been going on over the past few months and there is plenty to talk about! There’s been no shortage of work to be done as we chip away at a mountain of sub-systems

Dev Blog Post #3
A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away… Ok, so I’m a little behind on dev blog posts…between the three separate holidays (and the sweet, sweet holiday time off) and the heads-down nature of the last few dev sprints it seems like we went through the last few months at the speed of

SUCCESS!!! Incredible! I have finally broken through the barrier and achieved synchronization with //:OTHERSIDE_ !!! This is a momentous day for human kind and a victory for THE TRUTH! I don’t have much time…the signal is alre….ady fa.din..g… PLEA..SE..!! FIND THE TRU…TH…FO.R..YOURSELF!! […]\:authcode_591245 http://auth.backdoor.omicronix.org/ SHARE ME ON: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

Dev Blog Post #2
CAUTION://_WORKS IN PROGRESS… Hey Look, it’s another dev blog! “A dev blog is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when it means too”….Right?Well either way, it’s about time we start diving into the excitement of pre-production….Early Prototyping! Early Prototyping? So, what exactly is “early prototyping” anyway? It can mean many things to

Dev Blog Post #1 – Project Kickoff
A Public Promise Four weeks into development, it seems to finally be time for our first official Dev Blog post! I’ve mentioned elsewhere that we aim to do things a bit differently with INFESTSTATION by putting an emphasis of transparency and community inclusion throughout the dev process – no “it’s done when it’s done” or

Atom Switch Receives VC Backing From Hiro Capital and 1Up Ventures
Atom Switch teams up with Hiro Capital and 1Up Ventures for InfestStation Development team to focus on players and developers first with their Triple-I Co-Op Sci-Fi Game Atom Switch, Inc. has received a $3.4 million USD investment from Hiro Capital and 1Up Ventures to develop their inaugural title, InfestStation. Founded with an emphasis on Triple-I development Atom Switch aims to

Content Coming Soon!
Hello World, this is the future home of Atom Switch Inc.’s development blog for InfestStation! We’ll be making posts about the progress we’re making as we create the game, share insights into the development process, answer player questions, and other content related to working in the industry.
InfestStation is being developed by independent game developer Atom Switch, Inc.