Author name: AtomDan

Professional game developer for the last 17 years. Former Half-Life 1 modder, maker of ridiculous StarCraft 1 maps, BuildEngine afficianado, fan of all things sci-fi and fantasy, and the CEO and Creative Director of Atom Switch, Inc.

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Dev Blog Post #2

CAUTION://_WORKS IN PROGRESS… Hey Look, it’s another dev blog! “A dev blog is never late, nor is it early, it arrives precisely when it means too”….Right?Well either way, it’s about time we start diving into the excitement of pre-production….Early Prototyping! Early Prototyping? So, what exactly is “early prototyping” anyway? It can mean many things to

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Atom Switch Receives VC Backing From Hiro Capital and 1Up Ventures

Atom Switch teams up with Hiro Capital and 1Up Ventures for InfestStation Development team to focus on players and developers first with their Triple-I Co-Op Sci-Fi Game Atom Switch, Inc. has received a $3.4 million USD investment from Hiro Capital and 1Up Ventures to develop their inaugural title, InfestStation. Founded with an emphasis on Triple-I development Atom Switch aims to

Atom Switch Receives VC Backing From Hiro Capital and 1Up Ventures Read More »

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